Friday, August 08, 2008

Your daily dose of paranoia

Check out the Washington Times for yet another assertion that Iran is trying to take over Latin America. This argument keeps popping up periodically. As I mentioned a year and a half ago, they never take Iranian political realities into account--it is in fact not popular in Iran to stretch too much into Latin America.

The current offering discusses countries falling into Iran's "orbit." Is Iran big enough to have an orbit?

"They use their embassies to smuggle in weapons. They used them to develop and execute plans," Oliver "Buck" Revell, a former FBI associate deputy director, has told the San Francisco Chronicle. "[The Iranian presence] is definitely an area that will be of concern to our national security apparatus."

So Iranians "develop and execute plans" that may be of concern to our "apparatus." That sounds like bad movie dialogue. As always, we have lots of rumors, but nothing very concrete. I am no fan of Iran, but I need more than this to consider them a threat to the hemisphere.


Anonymous,  12:02 PM  

it is in fact not popular in Iran to stretch too much into Latin America

I'm interested in what data you have to back this "fact" up.

I don't put much stock in these right-wing nuts and their alarmist views. If it's not China then it's Iran. They make mountains out of ant hills.

I am sure that Iran is trying leverage its expanding diplomatic ties in Latin America to advance whatever agenda it has. Naturally, if I was in the "national security apparatus" of the US I would be watching this carefully given Iranian support to terrorists and the current antagonistic relationship between both countries, but really, an Iranian "orbit" in Latin America? Crazy talk.


Anonymous,  3:13 PM  

Considering that Argentine judges have warrants out for Iranian officials for the AMLA and Embassy bombings, this is all a bit rich.

Anonymous,  9:51 PM  

Considering that Argentine judges have warrants out for Iranian officials for the AMLA and Embassy bombings, this is all a bit rich.

I don't think anyone disputes that Iranian presence in Latin America constitutes some degree of threat. It is escalating this to the concept of Latin America--or even select countries--as an Iranian "orbit" that is really alarmist.

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