Friday, September 30, 2011

Obama and Hispanics

From Public Policy Polling:

There's been a lot of discussion in the last week about the role of the Hispanic vote in next year's election. Here's the bottom line on our polling: Obama's approval numbers with Hispanics are down. But Hispanic voters absolutely hate the GOP field. And because of that Obama's winning margins with Hispanics would be as large or even larger than they were in 2008 if the election was today and they'd be one of the key groups propelling him to reelection.

There is periodic talk about Hispanics voting Republican, but for Obama the real threat is if they just stay home. As they note, this is really important for Florida.


Defensores de Democracia 12:18 PM  
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Defensores de Democracia 12:31 PM  

The Press says that Latinos won't vote for Obama - They even suggest that Blacks may desert the President - A simple explanation why this is just BS - And some of my experiences with cattle on ranches

The Press is always tendentious and partisan. An Old Lawyer always told me "There are not impartial people"..

Journalists are very human and fallible, that is filled with defects. They want a special outcome to satisfy their prejudices and world views.

My intuition and estimation is that Latinos will pest President Obama with impossible demands ( because Mr Obama is not Omnipotent God ).

But on election day, all eligible Latinos as voters will be prodded to wake up, get up, drink their coffee and go speedily to the voting booth.

The only danger for President Obama with respect to Latinos is their beds, staying in bed if the weather is cold on election day.

They will be goaded to action, incited by fear of GOP.

This is like poking the cattle to go into a tank for bathing in a ranch.

I am not suggesting that Latinos are cattle, but I do hint that they are poked by Republicans.


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